Distance-measurement-with FPGA using ultra-sonic-sensor

Welcome to the Distance-measurement! In this Project we have measured the distance using Ulta-Sonic sensor(HC-SR04) which is controlled by FPGA Board. The distance is displayed on 2 digit 7-segment display.

In this project interfacing of ultrasonic sensor with FPGA first we need to understand the working of ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04. This device is basically send the ultrasonic wave and whenever any object comes in its way it will be reflected back and received.

The device contains 4 pins

  • Trigger : When trigger pin is HIGH for the 10us, the sensor will transmit the ultrasonic wave.
  • Echo : This pin is gives the information about the distance. After triggering the sensor whenever this pin is HIGH means the ultrasonic wave has been received by sensor. The duration for which echo is HIGH, is time taken by the ultrasonic wave to travel twice of the distance between sensor and object.
  • VCC : Sensor required 5V to operate.
  • GND : ground pin