
Checkout few of my works

UART for bluetooth module

In this project basically FPGA board is targetted to handle bluetooth module. Transmission of predefined data will be received by mobile and for receiption of data which has been transmitted from mobile using Bluetooth Terminal app.

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Overlapping 8-bit Sequence detector of 256 sequences.

Generalised 8-bit sequence detector is used to detect any sequence among 256 sequences of 8 bit. In this system we have 8bit registers to store the sequence from external 8 input ports at reset 1. System will detect the overlapping sequences for registered sequence.

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Web Design

Distance measurement with FPGA using ultra-sonic sensor

In this Project we have measured the distance using Ulta-Sonic sensor(HC-SR04) which is controlled by FPGA Board. The distance is displayed on 2 digit 7-segment display.

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