Overlapping 8-bit Sequence detector of 256 sequences.

In this project 8-bit sequence detection implemented using Verilog HDL for all sequences of 8-bit. One can detect any overlapping sequence through this sequence detector. It will detect any 8-bit sequence which is stored in the register.

Project Description

Welcome to the Overlapping-8-bit-Sequence-detector-for-256-sequnces wiki!
--> It is digital system which accept bit or string of certain bits and generates the output when sequence has detected. Here serial seq shown in figure

There are basically two types of sequence detectors
(i) Non-overlapping sequence detector
(ii) Overlapping sequence detector

In non-overlapping sequence detector if system get undisered or non-matching bit or bits, system try to detect from initial state. Where as in overlapping sequence detector system moves to the highest state which is overlapping its all bit or bits on the last some bit or bits of the previous state with undesired bit or bits also.

Among these two Non-overlapping sequence detector is easy to design because whenever system fails to detect sequence it jumps to initial state unlikely overlapping sequence detector.

Generally in sequence detector we have a predefined sequence which we want to detect. But if we design with objective of detecting only one sequence then our hardware will be restricted to only one sequence. That means if sequence changes RTL code and hardware will be change. For that I have designed generalized 8-bit sequence detector which is able to detect any sequence of 8-bit means this one hardware can detect 256 different sequences.

How hardware identify 8-bit of sequence ?

--> There is 8-bit register which can store the 8-bit of sequence. Now if we want change the contents of that register then we need to apply new content of 8-bit to input seq_in(see fig.) and system will take this new content after at least one reset high pulse.

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