
Hi! I'm Kishan Patel

A conscientious learner pursuing B.Tech(EC). I have a persistent dedication towards my vision without any compromises. My inner curiosities trained me for a pragmatic approach towards learning. I am always proactive towards the task assigned to me and have the ability to figure out solutions.

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Email: kishankumarpatel.ec@gmail.com

Phone: (+91) 85304 33001


Checkout few of my works

UART for bluetooth module

In this project, UART based HC-05 module is interfaced with FPGA development board. Hence UART protocol is implemented and verified on FPGA using verilog HDL. Tranmission and reception capability of protocol is tested using bluetooth controlled application running on smart device.

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Overlapping 8-bit Sequence detector of 256 sequences.

In this project 8-bit sequence detection implemented using Verilog HDL for all sequences of 8-bit. One can detect any overlapping sequence through this sequence detector. It will detect any 8-bit sequence which is stored in the register.

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Distance measurement with FPGA using ultra-sonic sensor

In this Project we have measured the distance using Ulta-Sonic sensor(HC-SR04) which is controlled by FPGA Board. The distance is displayed on 2 digit 7-segment display.

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